Category Archives: exhibitions

March Display Cabinet

showing community work in progress, hoping to inspire you!

Di and Susan     

have been EXCEEDINGLY creative, creating patterns, samples and making plans beyond the May Week for the Penicuik Bunting Project, which you can see featuring in the left cabinets. Click on the link above to find out more about and how to join in with that, which is intended to run way beyond this May’s Craftbombing week! BE PART OF IT!

In the top right cabinet you can see a photo of what the Kitcats at the Shottstown Miners are up to: recycling plastic into bunting.  And next to it the start of the recycling of the Penicuik Cuckoo newspaper into paper roses – by pupils of Beeslack High. And then to the right of that you see knitted bunting and pompoms emerging from the Penicuik North Kirk’s Art & Craft Fellowship.

And below an eclectic display of very simple designs for ‘glued-on-stick’ felt flowers that can be stuck into flowerbeds, paper bird mobile (for inside window displays!), felted bees and lady birds, and more really bright knitted bunting samples, flat felt figures, and, above all the star of the show : Di’s knitted cuckoo! He will be watching from within a window in May, I am sure ! But maybe some folks would like to knit or felt a few colour adapted eggs to hide in a crafty nest?

For more pictures of us setting the cabinet up and then the items displayed go to the cabinet’s photo album, and for details for patterns go here.

There will be more simple patterns, trust us! And hopefully also from you!
The sky is the limit and or course to how tricky and crafty you can get! ( hurry up, Jenni, with that Cuckoo Clock!)

library exhibition

Today 3 of us set out to install a wee exhibition in the library cabinet around these 4 + 1 themes:

  1. stash! Got any? use it and share it!
  2. last year we had fun in Penicuik and it was on the map!
  3. the craft bombing craze is happening world wide
  4. and you can get involved here, in whatever small or big way!
  5. well craftbombing simply IS!

and here is the outcome :