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researching pompoms, buntings and flowers

pompom wool flowerPPsThe last weeks have been time for exploring what could be done with little resources and lots ingenuity for maximum impact.

We seen Mary’s Pompom Maker last time and meanwhile one lassie keen to recycle old yarns got herself one too, and shared it quite successfully with Rory

who seems to say: I can do that now in my sleep!

Now this well done flower pompom blogpage is inspiring exploration with a clever DIY pompom maker resulting in colour differentiated pompoms

click here to find out more!

And imagine the flourishing of flower beds that could be made out of combinations of the above and this video

or wreaths resulting from it!

check out the famous “Attic 24” there

Talking about flowers and recycling yarn oddments into something simple and pretty:

Mary’s latest gadget seems well worth it!

a very popular tool – click on  link to view a tutorial!

here a googled image of what is possible to kindle your imagination and to wet your appetite

looks like a good bit recycling is going on there, too!

And as always: video tutorials abound for this gadget.

Meanwhile Di has done some research on the truly inspirational Barra Bunting project, which involved learners and creatives on the island and abroad in the stitch ups.

now – who gets itchy fingers here?

And here Di is preparing something for the Guides to help them making a bunting based on their colours

using paper templates pinned on right sizes strip of old sheet
get the idea?

-now imagine these fabric triangles embroidered with the cotton yarn from the warp off-cuts, a gift from Christina the weaver!

And why not come along next Tuesday, 4pm – 6pm at West Street, and take your yarn pick to match and beautify your bunting sewn out of old sheets?

Meanwhile, over at the Shottstown Miners Club, Gill and team have started to get real recycling going:

Bunting Triangle crochet from plastic bags!

Can’t wait to see the range !

Crocheting and knitting bunting is something every one can get stuck in!

In this our own google drive folder you can see and download 2 ways of knitting bunting: from the tip up or from the wide top down.

Granny bunting inspiration from Attic 24 and Yarndale has been the inspiration for Julia’s rainbow bunting last year, remember?

part of Julia’s tasteful simple but ever so effective beautiful rainbow colour co-ordinated bunting in Penicuik precinct last year

If we get all of our friends and family involved, what might we get up to? Just imagine…..!!

“The photo below was taken at the 2011 knit and stitch show at Alexandra Palace and was part of the Woman’s Weekly Centenary year celebrations attempt to break the world record for the longest line of bunting ever made (8,982ft!).” (click on photo to read more)

Now, what is YOU can do to

Brightening Penicuik Banner!???

Well, I am off to do some more research on the Cuckoo theme. How can we create a pattern and for which crafty medium? Come back soon to see what I found. And why not subscribe to this blog to get update alerts?

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